Thursday, June 5, 2008

JOURNEY (Reportage)

Rachel rep 1
Rachel rep 2
Rachel rep 3
Rachel rep 4
Rachel rep 5

Because my reportage was to focus on a "journey", I had a hard time combining the "public transportation" part of my story with the "human" side. After a while, I finally narrowed it down to two storylines (which differ in only two photots).

Alternative Storyline:

Rachel rep 1
Rachel rep 6
Rachel rep 3
Rachel rep 4
Rachel rep 7

Kabuki : Man (ECHO)

Burt Glinn, 1961

Rachel echo
Olivia, 2008

So... I didn't get to talk about my photo in class... so I've decided to do my little critique speech here. I would say that I had the most trouble with the light in this project. As I was taking my photos, I was concentrating way too much on angles and placing. If you look at my picture, the light is coming in from the left side (at first I thought I had just developed it wrong... :( ). Comparing it to the "original" photo, it should actually be coming down from the top in the middle. Also, getting my models to cooperate was a little difficult too. I don't blame them though, seeing as I had painted their faces white and kept contorting them into uncomfortable positions :P I think I did pretty well getting props though, except for a mirror that was big enough and without a drawing of a little dog on one side of it.

Overall, I'd probably give this project a 5 out of 10... it was definitely challenging, and a little fruterating at times, but I recognize the importance of what is was trying to teach us... and feel like I learned a lot :)

Side note: Ok, but don't you think my model 's face is perfect???? That's one of the few things I'm proud of in this pic lol I mean - just look! it's scary - the nose, the eyes, the lips! :p

"low whistling thistles in the wind/she laid her head down to keep from falling/into the integrated circuits of history..." (Exquisite Corpse)

Rachel pinneapple

Rachel playground