Tuesday, March 20, 2007

In Our Own Little Worlds... (26 Things - Community)

Rachel table

This is the first print I made of this project (the second is above). In our assignment, we were given a list of 26 words and were told to take a picture that reminded us of each of the words. This picture, taken at lunch, was my picture of "community". Don't cafeterias remind you a little of a whole group of little communities? They're like ecosystems with microsystems (or however that goes.... I should know this because I'm in Bio... whoops... lol). I stood on a chair in front of all of the tables while taking this picture (several people were looking at me like I was crazy). Obviously, it's extremely dark. I didn't know about the filters at this point in time, so I had really no choice but to leave it as was. Now that I know about the filters, when I find time next I'm going to try using them on this picture. It's exciting! Stay tuned!

btw, that spotted bag on the table is Go Un's American Eagle bag. I have decided that it is officially the cutest bag in the world (I'm in love with it) and the most amazingest (new word) thing to take photos of. Just watch. It'll be back.

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